Enrolment at Wollert
You need to make sure Wollert Primary School is your local school and your family is residing in the school zone. Families can check this at the Victorian Government ‘Find my school’ site: https://www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: When seeking your closest school on the find my school site, it will provide a list of schools close to your residence. The top listed school will be your local designated zoned school.We strictly adhere to our enrolment policy, only accepting students within our zone as a priority. Proof of residence will need to be provided before the enrolment is confirmed (rates, utilities or land purchase documentation accepted only)
Our enrolment policy is strictly adhered to as part of our strategic enrolment plan. This plan allows for the known growth trajectory of the suburbs surrounding our school and the transient and fluent enrolments anticipated throughout each year. We do not accept enrolments not in our zone, regardless of how close they are in proximity.
Once you have confirmed you reside in the Wollert Primary School Zone, you can complete an Expression of Interest form.
This provides our enrolment officer with all necessary information to ensure you can be considered for enrolment at which point an enrolment form will be provided. Once the requested documentation and proof of residency is received, our Transition Coordinator will liaise with your family regarding a start date.
Our Transition Coordinator will either request a meeting or liaise with you over the phone to support the transition of your child/ren. Students beginning at the beginning of a school year will be provided with transition dates for term 4 and the start of the year. If your child is joining our school during the school year, our Transition Coordinator will liaise with you about this date.
Family financial considerations
Typical financial commitments you can expect at Wollert include:
- Annual Fees (Set each year by School Council in line with typical costing found in neighbouring local school – fees include basic resources and books for students)
- Uniform
- Excursions, Incursions and the Camping Program for Year 3 to Year 6 (optional)
- Out of School Hours Care (OSHC – Team Kids) if your children need to access before and/or after school care (optional)
- Canteen purchases if this service is chosen to access (optional)
We understand that every family may at times experience financial strain from time to time. If this is the case, families are encouraged to contact our Business Manager directly to develop a support plan that meets both the family and school needs.
As a new school, a second hand uniform supply is not available, however throughout the coming years we anticipate donated uniforms will provide an opportunity to purchase some uniform items at a reduced cost
Supported Inclusion School
We are a mainstream government school with some facility additions that strengthen our approach to inclusive education. We also have a staff commitment to building an exemplary level of knowledge and expertise in inclusive practices over the coming years. We support every child at their point of need but remain classed as a mainstream primary school. We are not a special school, nor do we provide a specialised setting often associated with students with additional needs and/or disability. Within our school population, we have 10% of our enrolment allocated to students who are eligible for Disability Inclusion funding.
Like all government schools, we do not receive any additional funding or resources to support our students than what you can expect in any local school. All government schools have the responsibility to provide quality teaching and learning and inclusive environments with the funds provided. We do not have Education Support in all classrooms. Like our local schools, only students who have a level of funding within the Disability Inclusion model receive an allocated amount of support aligned to their determined learning needs.
Priority enrolment is always placed on students who live within our school zone. The only consideration for enrolment outside of the designated school zone is if a child has an identified Intellectual Disability (ID) and supporting assessment and reports can be provided. Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and other identified learning difficulties are not within this out of zone criteria. It is important to note however that enrolment eligibility outside of the school zone is only considered alongside the building, class size and staffing capacity at the time of the enrolment query.
General School Operations
Staff are on duty from 8.40am until 3.30pm each day. Students and families are not permitted onsite earlier than 8.40am or later than 3.40pm to ensure the safety and care of everyone. We have a very safe and secure environment with gates locked during school hours.
Gates open: 8.40am staff on duty
School starts: 9.00am
Gates close: 9.00am Late students must enter via Reception
Lunch eating & break: 11.00am – 11.45am
Recess break: 1.45pm – 2.15pm
Gates open: 3.00pm
School dismissed: 3.15pm staff on duty
If a student arrives from 9.00am onwards they must enter through the Reception and receive a late pass before moving to their Homeroom. If your child needs to be picked up early, arrive at the Reception and notify one of our Administration staff of this. Your child will be directed to the Reception to meet you. Alternatively, you can call the office prior to your arrival so that your child is waiting for you to depart.
Instead of individual or small group tours we offer frequent Open Days each term that allow members of our community and prospective families to join us for a day of Wollert Learning, as seen every day. These are self-navigated tours that allow families to move in and out of any part of the school to gain a feel of what it is like to be a part of Wollert in an authentic and unstaged way. School leaders are visible throughout the mornings/afternoons to respond to any questions or wonderings. Open Day dates can be found in Term Dates on our website.
Teamkids is our Out of School Hours Care provider (OSHC). The team from Teamkids provide a fun and engaging environment for our children to attend before school and after school care daily. Teamkids also provide care options for our families during scheduled Curriculum and Student Free Days as well as holiday breaks.
Daily hours are 7.00am – 8.55am and 3.15pm – 6.30pm. Further information can be found on the Community Page of our website.